Counter Project 2025 US Movement is a movement that can be built.  It is going be an opposition movement against Project 2025 USA.    It is going to encourage young people to join more protests like joining the Pro Palestine protests and join Youth Demand.   Young people should look at this website when they, they need to have a think and start building protests themselves. What is Monogamy? It is when you only allow one partner at a time. Infidelity is when you cheat and violate a monogamous relationship. 


The reasons why young people and Gen Z don't need monogamous relationships is because they meet more young people on Social media so they cannot stick to only one person. That's why I believe monogamy needs be abolished.  What is Heteronormativity ?. Heteronormativity is that monogamous heterosexual relationship is the only norm. People in general  follow this norm and it leads to 'compulsory monogamy' for young people even when they don't want it. Both monogamy and heteronormativity are outdated because they say that relationships are with one man and one woman in a committed relationship. Heteronormativity means that women must be submissive and loyal to one man. If Young women want gender equality and more opportunities they need to put an end to monogamy and heteronormativity.  Romance movies can lead to Heteronormativity if young women are not careful enough. If young women want equality and opportunities and change in their lives they don’t need a boyfriend so it's time for young women to look after themselves. 

This movement requires young people to debunk propaganda and use critical thinking skills and get as many young people on to the streets. No return to monogamy in young people and Gen Z. This what my movement is about.


Young women have a right not to take part of being in a family.  If you want better pay and opportunities you better join protests and give up on your monogamous relationships. If young women want to abolish patriarchy they must abolish monogamy and say 'Fuck Monogamy' . Monogamous relationships, marriage, and heteronormativity leads to couples having children.   Having children is bad for the planet and increases the carbon footprint according to Chris Packham. That why monogamous relationships are pointless for young women. 


Universities across the USA and western countries and in the Uk for all young people who must share my ideas on social media and hashtag Counter Project 2025.

Please share my ideas and help build my movement please. Thanks. I won't disappear until heterosexual monogamous relationships disappear in young people and Gen Z.  I have Autism and I can say what I want. Thanks.